Bring your iPhone and iPad's many sensors to life on Virtual Dashboard. Arrange a variety of different gauges to create your own custom dashboards. You can choose from:
○ Speedometer (with peak hold)
○ Odometer (distance travelled, resettable)
○ GPS Altimeter (absolute altitude)
○ Barometric Altimeter (relative altitude)
○ Accelerometer (with peak hold)
○ Artificial Horizon (pitch and roll)
○ Compass (with magnetic heading and true track indicator)
○ Elapsed Time (with average speed)
Swipe to display a navigational map with resizable gauge overlays. You can select from road, nautical chart, satellite, topographic, and survey (blank) modes.
The map shows your current coordinates, track, and heading, and drops breadcrumb markers as you travel.
Tap to set a destination and the map displays your distance, bearing, direction to steer, and ETA to the destination.
Customize your units, map features, and gauge behavior. Select from one of the many different themes (theme requires in-app purchase).
Preview and Screenshots
Version History
Version 1.0 for iOS
Released April 6, 2020
Version 1.3 for iOS
Released May 16, 2020
All new Themes
UTM and MGRS coordinates support
Map Search for points of interest or street addresses
Map Cache for offline use (non-Apple maps)
Double-tap destination information to zoom and center on destination
Version 1.4 for iOS
Released September 15, 2020
New Elapsed Time Gauge with Average Speed
Bike Mode on Maps
Version 1.5.1 for iOS
Released February 7, 2021
Heads-Up Display feature (mirrored display)
Jet-green theme
Version 1.6.0 for iOS
Released July 28, 2021
Support for MFi External Devices
Adaptive Centering
Version 1.7.0 for iOS
Released April 6, 2022
Export breadcrumb track to GPX - share with other app or write to file
Version 1.8.0 for iOS
Fixed issue where nautical charts were not loading
License Information
Licensing and usage of Virtual Dashboard is subject to the standard Apple End User License Agreement