ZeldDesigner is a simple to use yet powerful 2D vector graphics drawing application for creating illustrations, schematics, diagrams, artwork, and more. Draw, edit, and combine shapes, with a variety of line strokes, fill colors, and fill gradients to create impressive, complex illustrations. Vector drawings are described mathematically, rather than using bitmaps, allowing them to be scaled to any resolution for display and printing.
ZeldDesigner provides primitive shapes, measurement tools, word art, and image manipulation. Shapes can be combined by joining, intersecting, and subtracting. Alignment and distribute tools provide automatic and precise layout. Draw new shapes using lines, curves, and freehand.
Demo Version
Want to explore ZeldDesigner features? Download the demo version to try for free. All features except Save and Print are enabled.
Move, resize, rotate, shear, flip, transparency, group, and adjust Z-plane layer of elements on canvas
Align and distribute elements relative to each other (horizontal, vertical, centered, grid, radial, ramp)
Combine shapes by joining, subtracting, intersecting, and exclusive joining
Edit shape control points, add and delete verticies, insert line segments, quadratic curves, and cubic curves
Set stroke thickness, dash-pattern, line color, and line style
Set fill color, or paint with linear, radial, conical gradients, or pattern/image fill
Insert primitive geometric shapes, images, text, word art, symbols, lines, measurement arrows, links, and callouts
Image editor includes crop, perspective transform, background removal, color/hue adjust, contrast/brightness, other filters
Draw tools: line, orthogonal line, freeform, freeform with smoothing, quadratic and cubic curves
Paint tool: paint or erase with different shapes
Adjust canvas ruler scale to cm, inch, pixels or custom for scaled drawings (including support for English fractional units)
Multiple canvas pages
Export to PNG images
Import and Export SVG files
3D shapes
Sample Files
Download a sample .zld file here (this is a native file, double click to open in ZeldDesigner)
Download example .svg files: yellow car, blue car, camera, tiger (Right click these links to download, then right click file in Finder and choose Open With ZeldDesigner, or open from within the application.
Tutorial Videos

Painting with Shapes

Working with Strokes

Gradient Tutorial
Version History
Version 1.0 for MacOS
Release December 20, 2018
Known Issues:
When printing a shape with a gradient that has transparency, the transparency is rendered opaque​. Note: underlying issue in library documented in bug report: JDK-8212643​
Conical Gradient Paint is not exportable to SVG files. This is a feature that is not supported by the SVG specification.
Linear Gradient Paint with NO CYCLE selected does not extend start anchor color to the edge of shape when printing. To workaround this issue, start your linear gradient at the edge of a shape and place gradient points where desired. Note: underlying issue in library documented in bug report: JDK-8215940
Version 1.1 for MacOS
Release January 21, 2019
New Features:
Open, import, and edit SVG files​
Eyedropper selection tool in color selection panel
Re-edit existing gradients
Custom line border thickness
New block arrow shape
Hide Rulers
Icons for retina display
Other minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes
Version 1.2 for MacOS
Release February 11, 2019
New Features:
Make canvas elements non-printable
Text shape
Wave shape
Paint Tool (paint/erase) new or existing shapes
Shape Library
Distribute random mode
Other minor bug fixes
Version 1.3 for Windows and MacOS
Release March 11, 2019
New Features:
Line strokes, including Empty, Double-Line, and Shape stroke
Create shapes from strokes
Paste stroke attributes
Split shapes into pieces
Improved editing (add points, close and unclose paths, vertex labels)
Logistics Module - Barcode element and predefined logistics symbols
Adjustable mouse wheel speed
Other minor bug fixes
Version 1.3.2 for Windows and MacOS
Release May 1, 2019
New Features:
Support for TIFF images
New Page Setup dialog with 100+ page formats
Fixing bug with flipping grouped items
Other minor bug fixes related to resizing and zooming
Version 1.3.4 for MacOS (App Store only)
Release May 30, 2019
New Features:
Architectural Module with floorplan shapes
Crescent (moon) shape
Edit texture-fill image in-place
Version 1.4.0 for Windows and MacOS
Release June 26, 2019
New Features:
Shape clipping
Significant updates to Links, Link Points, and Anchors
Flowchart Module
Bug fixes related to copying Links and Link Points, ZArrow units, and background on inserted pages
Version 1.4.1 for MacOS (App Store only)
Release October 14, 2019
New Features:
Absolute X-Y positioning
Version 1.5.1 for MacOS (App Store only)
Release February 20, 2020
New Features:
Mouse Drag Selected Objects: Dragging the mouse now moves all selected objects instead of the last selected one.
Transparency on Exported Images: Option to preserve (or not) transparency when exporting selected/canvas to an image.
Ruler Offset: Offset the horizontal and vertical ruler's starting position (in Custom Scale window).
Move Elements: Right-click context menu has option to move all selected elements horizontally or vertically.
Fractional Units: Leading zero not required when entering fractional units. Decimal entries are converted to fractions.
Open Recent: File menu has a menu for opening one of the most recently opened files.
Arrow Styles: New arrow-end styles.
Tab Traversal: Element fields on the bottom of the window can be traversed by using TAB or SHIFT-TAB.
Version 1.5.2 for Windows
Release April 14, 2020
Updated with latest features and fixed Windows-only bugs
Version 1.6.0 for Mac
Release May 27, 2020
New module with over 50 electronic shapes including analog components, semiconductors, and logic gates.
New join mode "Append" that combines shapes and preserves their borders.
Link Points anchored to Shapes now follow rotation of the shape.
Fixed bug that was preventing scroll by arrow keys
Version 1.7.0 for Mac
Release June 11, 2020
Emoji vector shapes
Text editor for text elements uses selected font
Version 2.0.0 for Mac
Release January 27, 2021
3D shapes
Version 2.1.0 for Mac
Release February 14, 2021
Image filter controls: lightness and color temperature
Element selector: popup menu to select any element by name on the canvas
License Information
Licensing and usage of ZeldDesigner is subject to the standard Apple End User License Agreement
Several open source software libraries are built into ZeldDesigner. These are subject to the following copyright and license terms:
The Java Runtime Engine (JRE) is subject to Oracle's license terms.
The filters library from jhlabs and other example code are licensed by the Apache license.
The batik library from Apache (https://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/) which is licensed by the Apache license.
The OkAPIBarcode library from Robin Stuart is licensed by the Apache license.
An extension to the batik library as modified by Marco Hutter (MIT license, see comments on github page)
The ConicalGradientPaint code from the SteelSeries-Canvas Project from Gerrit Grunwald (license here)
The Emoji-Java library (MIT license)
The jogamp library with native libraries (BSD license)